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21 juin 2012.

Subsidies for artist-authors to pay social contributions.

Payment subsidies to pay social contributions in favor of (...)

This law is only applied in France.

Subsidies to pay social contributions for artist-authors with financial difficulties have been implemented.

People who are considered as artist-authors and who receive incomes 900 times lower than the French minimim wage yearly (about 7,749 euros), can benefit from half or complete payment of their health care contributions.
This subsidy is now limited to the sum of the established contributions on a base equal to the threshold of incomes.
The subsidy could be given for a period of 3 years in-a-row maximum instead of 2 years before.

Source : Décret n°2005-1169 du 13 septembre 2005, Journal Officiel du 16 septembre 2005, p.15 014

This law is only applied in France.

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