AccueilExpositionsStéphane Stribick

3 août 2015.

Recomposed mobility

Recomposed mobility. Photographic work of recompositions

Fascinated by space history, architecture and urban communication, his school and professional careers enabled him to collaborate on various type of projects and to master analysis phases from the location to the execution of exhibitions and their production. His work is characterized by a particular attention in encounters with the public in urban zones and in translating the landscapes into projects.

As an urban designer, his aim is to make comprehensible the territory through photographs, scene transcriptions and artistic productions : photographic fresco, writing on landscapes, Land Art, urban drawing...

His approach consists in establishing a view based on a visual layer, in organizing a photographic language, translating in his work the urban environment and its stakes to product tools that are at the same time comprehensible and perceptible during encounters with the public.

Concepteur/médiateur des pratiques artistiques dans l’espace public, il acquiert au cours d’un Master 2 "Espace public" (Design, Architectures, Pratiques), une méthodologie de compréhension de l’environnement urbain et des outils de médiation (...)
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